Creepshow Season 2 Blu-Ray Review

The Season 2 two disc Blu-ray Comes in a standard amaray case with swing tray. Cover art and disc art are great and in the Creepshow comic book style.
The animated menu page is done in the style, same as season 1.

Model Kid/Public Television of the Dead
Joe’s closest friends are the model toys of his favorite scary movie monsters when his abusive uncle moves in he sees an advert for “The Victim” figure. Making a diorama featuring a couple of his classic horror figures and The Victim doesn’t end well for good old Uncle Kev.
In Public Television Of The Dead we get a spiritual successor to the Evil Dead series when a public TV station is overwhelmed when the appraisal of an antique book accidentally summons a dark force. Klaaaatu Verataa *cough anyone?

Dead and Breakfast/Pesticide
In Dead and Breakfast a “haunted Bed and Breakfast” customers start dwindling so they enlist the help of an influencer, but the comeback becomes too realistic.
In Pesticide an exterminator gets more than he bargained for when he takes on a big job, he’s asked to eliminate the property owners more human pests. Body horror, giant insects and mind melting visuals make this a great episode full of putrescent goodness.

The Right Snuff/Sibling Rivalry
In The Right Snuff two astronauts go down in history for all the worst reasons when one is chosen to greet an alien race and the other isn’t too happy about it. Bit different this one, but surprisingly one of the stronger stories in the series.
In Sibling Rivalry Lola is convinced her brother is trying to kill her but she’s worried about the wrong monster. This one has a few nice easter eggs and a decent twisty end that you’ll either see coming a mile off or completely get hit between the eyes by. Plus Molly Ringwald in anything is a win for me.

Pipe Screams/Within the Walls of Madness
In Pipe Screams a drain clog turns out to be more than just a little matted hair and soap scum.
Two words. Barbara Crampton!
In Within the Walls of Madness scientists fight to contain the creature they’ve been studying- but is the true threat one of them? Kind of an ode to The Thing, great visuals on show here in a solid segment but one that doesn’t really live up to the high hopes I had for it.

Night of the Living Late Show
Simon played by Justin Long has invented Immersopod, an incredible virtual reality experience that allows him to join in on his favourite films. Simon gets obsessed with /horror Express with horror consequence. The way this episode is done is fantastic, with the story being woven into a classic horror movie with the original footage etc. Superb. Not the best story overall this series, but technically amazing.
The bonus items in this set include:
The animated special which features two animated tales.
In the first, someone stranded on a desert island discovers that he’ll do anything to survive narrated perfectly by Kiefer Sutherland.
In the second, a family visits the “Circus of the Dead” and discovers that the acts are all-too-real. This is a great special and a nice addition to this set.
The Holiday special is one of my favourite episodes in this set when an anxious man who is trying to figure out if he’s a werewolf enlists into an organisation called Shapeshifters Anonymous without realising that Santa Clause might not be the jolly bearded man we think he is. Fun episode with some nice sight gags and easter eggs.
There is a zoom interview between Greg Nicotero and Meagan Navarro from Wondercon @ home
How it was made Night of the living late show does what it says on the tin.
Behind the sound with Bareknuckles creative, again the title says it all. Interesting look at post production.
Behind the scenes raw footage
4 BTS photo galleries
The bonus features on this season are good, with the interviews adding a lot however I really feel after the fantastically strong audio commentaries that featured on season 1, they were really missed from this release. I would love to rewatch these eps with commentaries but alas, it’s not to be.
Another strong release with plenty to get stuck into and all of the episodes are well worth multiple viewings.
Fine addition to your Blu-ray collection.
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