Charlie Foxtrot – Proof of Concept Short Funding Now Live


Short film/proof of concept project Charlie Foxtrot is currently being funded via KO-FI

Written and directed by Janine Pipe (a former police officer herself) this female-led high octane actioner sees Kate Speak playing a kick-ass firearms officer leading her team to the scene of a disturbance.. Finding themselves outnumbered and with assistance unavailable, who, if anyone, will survive?

Janine Pipe (HER, Footsteps, Shrine, Hell’s Close) is a horror aficionado as well as regular contributor to Film Hounds Magazine. Her writing has been featured in many publications and she is the author of the acclaimed SAUSAGES – THE MAKING OF DOG SOLDIERS and is currently working on THE MAKING OF THE DESCENT with Neil Marshall coming in 2024.

Charlie Foxtrot is a short, contained film which will act as a proof of concept for INDIGO, the full feature film.

Pipe Scream Productions are raising money via Ko-Fi to try and make the short proof of concept film as kickass as possible.

With some talented actors getting involved the cast announced so far is looking great!

Kate Speak (Dead Air, Invasion Planet Earth, Horizon), Chris Mills (Video Shop Tales of Terror, HER), Amber Doig-Thorne (Winnie The Pooh:Blood and Honey, The Caller) and Tom Gregory (Hell’s Close) are all involved.

If YOU would like to support this short female-led, UK police action film and get Indigo off the ground then head over to KO-FI and check out the campaign.

Here are some of the perks on offer – 

Any amount – on screen Thank You credit at end of the short. The perfect opportunity to see your name at the end of a movie!

A donation of £10 gets you a Digital copy of the short after the production funding round has completed. Once the industry has seen it, you’ll be the first to get your hands on the film.

Like signed stuff? £20 will get you a cast and crew signed script and £25 bags you a production still signed by cast and crew. 

£50 gets you a short personal thank you video from cast/crew along with thank you credit at end of the film.

There’s loads more too, you can Name a character, get a piece of screen used clothing or even get yourself a producer credit.

Head over to Kofi to see the full range of perks, and to help fund the movie.

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