
I used to enjoy making Papercraft models. You know the ones? you print out a load of parts onto paper and then cut fold and glue them until you have a lifesize Link from Zelda.

Well anyway, I haven’t made any for a while as they can get quite addictive and take up a lot of time (not to mention space). So I was out and about in the lovely Lake District last weekend and we went into a gift shop there. I spotted some small models (a Model T Ford and a Mustang P-51 plane if you’re interested) in kit form that I had never seen the likes of before they were made of steel.

They were in the “Metal Earth” range from Fascinations and were, I think, a really great price at only £9.99 . My wife treated me to one (a Tiger I Tank if you’re interested). which looked great.


I built it the next day, took a few hours as I took my time. Lots of folding flat metal pieces into round metal pieces required so a few tools come in handy.

A 360 degree model is available on the website to help you to build the model so I went to to have a look.

Oh Dear Lord! They have Star Wars, they have Star Trek, Halo ! Transformers coming in April!!!

My dormant collector brain sprung into life. Need, need need it cried

I looked on Amazon, they sold them!  AT-AT ordered immediately

I then saw I Want One Of Those had an offer on

X Wing, Tie Fighter and Imperial Star Destroyer ordered

I await their delivery. Much finger stinging metal bending fun to be had.

Finished AT-AT
Finished AT-AT

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