I am speechless. However, I can still text!
I’ve just read this
It’s not often I am almost speechless, but…
“One of the largest cinema chains in the US is considering letting customers use their mobile phones during films.”
Read that again. Go on.I’ll wait
The most annoying thing in the known universes is people using their phones/tablets in cinemas while a film’s on but apparently AMC chief executive Adam Aron wants to encourage “millennials” to visit the cinema.
so essentially he’s saying he wants to spoil the experience for all us old farts?
“You can’t tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That’s not how they live their life.”
No. You can Mr Aron. You can. You own the cinema, you can tell them whatever you want!
In fact, there’s technology that would stop the phones working inside your cinema. Imagine the horror, these tech zombies having to go a whole 2 hours to watch a film that they (and more importantly those around them) have made a conscious decision to pay to watch in a cinema setting, without looking at their phone screen.
In 2003, a cinema in Ireland was told it broke the law by installing a signal blocker that prevented people using their devices.
SEE! 🙂
But he said he would have to find a solution that did not disturb other movie-goers.
You’ve already got it mate, it’s called stopping people using phones in cinemas.
“We need to reshape our product in some concrete ways so that millennials go to movie theatres with the same degree of intensity as baby boomers went to movie theatres throughout their lives,” he explained.
Mr Aron seems to have forgotten that the reason people don’t go to the cinema is because it’s full of people on their phones!
Baby Boomers went to the cinema because, in the U.K. at least, they either had no T.V. or had about 2 channels to watch.
Now everyone and their nan is streaming, usually illegally, and telling us about it on Facebook. AMC would be better going the other way and completely banning phones.
I’d go to that cinema every week.
Tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don’t ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow
Guess what. Tough. They need to learn then don’t they? But then the whole world is knackered now. Everything is instant, you shouldn’t wait for anything. While you’re watching Batman Vs Superman your mate might have just posted a photo of a potato, you can’t miss that!
It finishes telling us he said
“What may be more likely is we take specific auditoriums and make them more texting-friendly.”
That’s called a living room in their own houses.