
My thoughts as I watched

Playstation VR, no you don’t need to dress like this1.-Ray-Kurzweil-Singularity-and-Lawnmower-Man-Image-Courtesy-Blogspot

The Rigs game shown first looks like it would be fairly interesting for a short while but overall looked like VR from the above film.[youtube]

Crytek’s game on the other hand, looks like it could really get your pulse racing. Robinson The Journey.


Until Dawn Rush of Blood sounds interesting, would have liked to have seen some footage of people having coronary’s.


Rebellion’s Battlezone is bound to be a massive leap into Tron world for anybody of a certain age.

The headset is a bit of a let down, I remember Sony having something sleeker looking many years ago, obviously they couldn’t get the tech into a smaller kit.

Watching films over it, now we’re talking, I think the walk would genuinely frighten me to death.[youtube]

Tekken 7 coming to Playstation VR, there’s some broken furniture waiting to happen

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