Shh, no spoilers!
*** Warning: This post is about Spoilers. It may contain traces of Spoilers***
I was listening to the news the other day and, as was probably to be expected, Star Wars Episode VII was one of the stories. They were reporting on the fact that preorders on tickets had broken all records, 1000 screens had sold out within hours etc etc.
I took this in and put it to the back of my brain. Why are people in such a rush for everything these days? was my initial thought. I scoffed at the idea of needing to pre order a ticket for a film months in advance just so I can see it on opening weekend. Why bother? Why?!
I’d watched the trailer.[youtube]
Yeah, it looks like it’s going to be great. Yeah the trailer actually builds intrigue rather than the annoying modern Hollywood trend of giving the whole film to you before you buy a ticket. Where is Luke? Who is Kylo Ren? Who exactly are Rey and Finn and what will their stories tell us? But still. It’s not out till December, chill people!
I was cycling into work this morning when it hit me.
A sudden, bowel loosening moment in time when sheer terror leeched into my brain.
That is why people know they need to pre book. Even within minutes of the very first showing ending, the internet will be awash with Spoilers.
Scumbags the world over will be taking glee in ruining every little plot twist and interesting nuance for those unlucky enough to not have seen it.
Social Media will be a no mans land for many, unable to risk seeing what your friends had for dinner that day in fear of seeing the outcome of a film a lot of people have waited nearly 40 years for.
In P.I. (Pre Internet) days, spoilers didn’t really exist, if someone in a school playground blabbed then at least it was a contained threat, easily controllable within communities. These days, it’s a lawless free for all of information out there!
Remember this little lad
His secret was safe for ages, Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist. That ending smacked you right in the head (If you hadn’t figured it out yourself by then, and I’ll admit, I hadn’t)
Or this dude
Durden’s secret would be blabbed within nano seconds
#prestige #there’sloadsofhim
It’s insane, think about it
The moment Luke is told who is father is in Jedi just wouldn’t be a thing now. For one, they would reveal it in the trailer, but also the internet would give it away immediately, no Jedi mind tricks required.
I really hope that people refrain from throwing spoilers around for this, however the realisation of my lack of forethought that in fact, I really did need a prebooked ticket, has left me with a genuine worry about that opening week (maybe longer by the time I get chance to see it) of Episode 7.
How the hell am I going to avoid the internet until I get to see the film?