RoboDoc – Four Part Docuseries Review
OCP’s mainframe didn’t have enough memory to store all of the information contained in the roughly five hours of material put out over these four episodes!

RoboCop first shot up our screens in 1987 and has gone on to have multiple sequels, spin off cartoons, comic books, rather superb video games and toy lines and even a remake/boot.
The original film doesn’t show any sign of slowing down with age, and is as powerful today as it was on the day Robo stepped out of that Ford Taurus.
So it brings me great joy that Cult Screenings UK Ltd/Deadmouse Productions, The legendary team behind Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares: The Robert Englund Story, Pennywise: The Story of IT, and You’re So Cool, Brewster: The Story of Fright Night, (all of which are available on SCREAMBOX)and Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser bring us RoboDoc: The Creation Of RoboCop.

This is about as much information about RoboCop that you could hope to find. Not even OCP’s mainframe had enough memory to store all of the information contained in the roughly five hours of material put out over these four episodes!
5 hours about RoboCop, man that’s got to be boring right? Nope. In fact “I LIKE IT!”
These guys know how to put a documentary together, they’re true labours of love. In fact the making of their documentaries could probably have a documentary made about them.
There’s nothing wasted here, the motion graphics, sound mix, backgrounds for interviews are done so everything adds to the overall film. Eastwood Allen’s work shines here.
I was lucky enough to be given early access to all four episodes and I don’t mind admitting I watched them all in one hit, and frankly would have been happy for 3 more seasons!

Main cast, crew members, stuntmen and pretty much anyone who had a part in bringing this film to life are interviewed, and all of them provide the goodies, and nearly all of them come across as great people.

The documentary is split up into four episodes

Episode one, “Destination Delta City,” streams on August 29th. Orion Pictures assembles a magnificent cast and crew who, unbeknownst to them, have signed up for a turbulent and career-defining ride.
Episode two, “Verhoeven’s Mantra,” streams on September 5th. Notoriously demanding mad-genius director Paul Verhoeven pushes the envelope and many people’s buttons with the unprecedented shooting conditions.
Episode three, “Blood, Sweat & Steel,” streams on September 12th. The resilient cast and crew relive the golden era of hands-on, practical filmmaking in the 1980s.
Episode four, “Murphy & The Machine,” streams on September 19th. A cinematic icon is unleashed to the world, creating an indelible legacy with lasting memories for those involved in its production.

“We’ve crafted something together to incorporate visuals and sound in an effort to immerse viewers into the world of ’80s filmmaking and offer something completely unique to the ‘making of’ format,” explains Allen.
“As a fan of RoboCop for the past 30 years, this project has been a labor of love for me, and I can’t wait to share this unique project with the fans, especially those who have stood by us all these years,” adds Griffiths.
It’s clearly a labour of love, and as a fan of both Robocop and the previous work of this team I can say it’s one that has paid off.
Back in 2019 at For The Love of Sci-Fi convention in Manchester, UK the guys showed a small part of the film to an eager crowd and well, then the world ended so we all had to wait a bit longer for the project to be finished. But it’s definitely worth the wait

“I’d buy that for a dollar!”
SCREAMBOX Original four-part docuseries RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop will premiere on August the 29th 2023. New hour-long episodes will follow weekly through September the 19th on SCREAMBOX.
RoboDoc joins SCREAMBOX’s extensive library of genre documentaries, including Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares: The Robert Englund Story, Living with Chucky, Scream, Queen: My Nightmare on Elm Street, Pennywise: The Story of IT, Just Desserts: The Making of Creepshow, Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser, Unearthed & Untold: The Path to Pet Sematary, You’re So Cool, Brewster: The Story of Fright Night, and Who Done It: The Clue Documentary.
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