All New?

So, Wolverine. You know, the best HE is at what he does, and what HE does isn’t very nice?
HE looks like this now.
Yeah, think HE’s had a slight change there bub.
The change Marvel have made to the character isn’t necessarily a bad one, after all Laura Kinney ( X-23 ) is a clone of Wolverine, but it does raise a question.
Why do creative companies feel the need to shoehorn changes into existing characters in order to tick the equality box?
Marvel seem to be going through a stage of doing it at the moment.
Or Captain America.
Again, I can see how the character fits Sam Wilson’s jump from Falcon to Captain kind of makes some sort of comic book sense.
But the general population see it as Captain America’s black, Wolverine’s a girl, Captain Marvel is Ronda Rousey and Thor’s a woman these days.
This also goes for film companies, Idris Elba may be a fine actor* but why do we need to be saying he should be James Bond? Why do the Ghostbusters need to be women?
These are industries containing the most creative individuals on the planet, ideas spring up every second of every day, and yet somebody somewhere, getting paid a horribly large amount of money no doubt, decides that we just need to change genders or colour, reboot, reboot, reboot.
Why not write a new comic for X-23, bring us into her universe, not squish her into Wolverines.
Why not write a new Black superhero, one with all of the power and patriotism of Captain America?
What about writing a new secret agent for a black actor, want it setting in the Bondiverse, fine. Make him 005 and then you can do crossovers.
Want a story of 4 women who hunt ghosts, write it make the story so good that you don’t need to slap the Ghostbusters label on it to sell it.
There are probably millions of scripts and ideas that get binned in New York and Hollywood that would be perfect vehicles, is there anybody with the vision to give them a shot?
* Personally, I find him a “bit shouty”.